Pro Tech

ProTec provides strategic solutions to assist organizations reach their security objectives.

One of the most significant difficulties in the corporate sector is keeping organizations and their data safe. ProTec protects customers across endpoints, infrastructure, applications, and the cloud with an unparalleled security offering. We proactively investigate and build new solutions to guard against complicated malware and cyber attacks as the threat landscape evolves. At ProTec, we have an extraordinarily competent staff dedicated to protecting our customers and assisting them in becoming more resilient and staying one step ahead of their opponents.

Our :



To enable businesses by delivering in-depth defense through cutting-edge, dependable, and cost-effective security services. To boost cyber-resilience, be a hyper-vigilant security partner with businesses.


To create the most efficient online platform for penetration testing and cyber security assessments, while also assisting our customers in understanding the root cause of vulnerabilities and how to address them.


Our most precious customers and our most brilliant team of specialists are bound together by trust. Our team's unwavering efforts ensure that our clients receive unrivaled security services.


By adhering strictly to the white side of hacking, we are devoted to an integrated approach that brings together cyber security, business continuity, and network resilience. We do not support any unethical behavior.


We are time-sensitive at ProTec, and we adhere to an uncompromising quality standard when it comes to providing creative solutions to boost our clients' cyber-resilience and productivity.


ProTec is a group of carefully selected specialists with strong technological backgrounds and vast real-world cyber security expertise. Their expertise aids us in providing better service to our clients.

Our Services

Web Application Blackbox and Greybox Penetration Testing

Black-box and grey-box application security testing
Identifying potential vulnerabilities
Automated and manual analysis of web applications
Testing for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
Sector-specific business logic testing
Reporting – findings and recommendations

Mobile friendly web application assessment

Penetration testing on mobile websites
External review of supporting infrastructure
Native mobile application assessment (Grey-box/ Black-box):
Penetration testing of applications installed on mobile devices
Testing focused on network connections and data handling
Assessing the risk of device-specific attacks

Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment

Identifying vulnerabilities associated with the client’s IT infrastructure
Eliminating false positives
Providing recommendations for risk mitigation and control
Reporting – vulnerability findings, recommendations, and high-level mitigation steps

Infrastructure Penetration Testing

Based on well-defined A&P methodology
Analyzing the security posture of the client's network
Identifying potential vulnerabilities by emulating real-world attacks
Reporting – vulnerability findings, recommendations, and high-level mitigation steps

Security Configuration Assessment

Based on proven methodology and industry leading practices
Analyzing network, servers, database, and application configurations
Identifying potential configuration issues
Reporting – findings and recommendations

Red Team Assessment

Based on proven methodology and industry leading practices
Analyzing network, servers, database, and application configurations
Identifying potential configuration issues
Reporting – findings and recommendations

MDR Services Scope

MDR services are only as good as the technology and people who drive them. ProTec offers a comprehensive solution based on the most advanced Big Data Analytics Platformt that is utilized by Protec for   threat hunting, alert triage, and incident response, all of which are tailored to your specific needs. 


We ingest your logs and security event data into our Big Data Analytics Platform, and we integrate all of your security solutions.

Our Big Data Analytics Platform is used to automatically investigate and uncover new dangers.

The ProTec team develops detection and reaction playbooks depending on the needs of your team and operations.

Threat hunting automation is included in our Big Data Analytics Platform, and our professionals examine new threats 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

ProTect team send  activity reports to clients with the status of all of our open cases.

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We have 10+ years experience with Cyber Security Solution Business.

MDR Services
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